• School Chess Curriculum

About me

1980/1982 Creator and Coordinator of the Pilot Project of Chess in the Schools of Paraná in Fundepar, which served 64 public schools on the outskirts of Curitiba Brazil.
1982/2003 Coordinator of the Chess Teaching Project in Public Schools of Paraná da Secretary of Education of the State of Paraná, which served more than 2 million students in over a thousand state schools in 200 municipalities.
1986/1989 Developed the Municipal Chess Project in Municipal Schools in Curitiba. 1990/1993 Coordinated the Chess Practice Project in the Public Libraries of Paraná. 2000 Created and was the 1st Superintendent of the Chess Center of Excellence to support the actions of chess development in Brazil.

2003/2008 Coordinated the National School Chess Project of the Ministries of Education and Esporte, which served 2,000 public schools in 25 states. The National Project developed, in 2003, a partnership with the Scientific Computing and Free Software Center of Federal University of Paraná to implement the 1st Chess Server aimed at supporting the teaching chess in schools.

1986/1994 He joined the FIDE Chess Committee for All, where he worked to develop chess for young people for educational and training aspects. In 1992 he proposed the change of the name for the School Chess Committee.
1993 Organized the 1st FIDE International School Chess Seminar in Curitiba, within the framework of the 64th FIDE Congress.
1994/1998 Chaired the FIDE Development Commission, considerably expanding the scope and resources of the Schools Chess Committee.